The aim of the project was to improve the quality of adult education in career counseling, the development of talent and soft skills of the unemployed, in order to find better employment and satisfaction in their lives and to establish international cooperation.
Therefore, this website has been created to host the Intellectual Outputs of the project, namely the online test, the created learning materials and the videos. In the framework of the project implementation, 4 project meetings have been organized to ensure the project management, the distribution of the roles and the development of the Intellectual Outputs. As part of the project, 2 Learning Training Teaching Activities and 1 Multiplier Event have been organized.
- Unemployed – they have been involved in the Multiplier Event where they have been familiarized with the project outputs and subsequently they have had the opportunity to try the test and the learning materials. These participants were selected carefully on the basis of the prepared application.
- Partner staff – they have been involved in the project management, participated in project meetings, contributed to the development of the project Intellectual Outputs and participated in the educational activities organized by the coordinator in Slovakia and Greece. Participants have been selected on the basis of their expertise.
- Career advisors – they have been involved in the educational activities of the project, where they have been trained and at the same time participated at the Multiplier Event. Each partner has selected career advisors from their own country. The selection was based on expert knowledge.
The implementation of the project has led to the following results:
- Testing and providing career guidance to learners (unemployed).
- Creation of quality and freely available materials for the development of personal growth, self-development and for acquiring soft skills.
- Usability of prepared materials for learners (unemployed), but also for career counselors and coaches.
- Developing a test to determine the potential of learners (unemployed).
- Creating a tool to self-assess the progress of learners (unemployed).
- Creating partnerships between organizations and continuing to develop these partnerships.
The completion of this project helped the partners to contribute to the improvement of adult education in terms of providing guidance and soft skills development for the unemployed.