In the framework of the implementation of the Erasmus+ project entitled “Online education focused on talent development, career development and soft-skills of the unemployed” with code 2019-1-SK01-KA204-060805, Mr. Vatopoulos Konstantinos, who is a staff member of the “DIAS” organization, visited E-SCHOOL Educational Group premises on Monday, December 30, 2019. DIAS is a Level 2 Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning Center. Mr. Vatopoulos Konstantinos, who is an educator-psychopedagogue, special support services and career training consultant, found this project interesting and useful and stated that such educational material – that can improve the quality of adult education in career counseling, the development of talent and soft-skills of the unemployed – would be helpful and supportive to his work. Moreover, he is willing to support us at any state of the project and use the results. It was a fruitful meeting that created a concrete link between the participant organizations.